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Race Report

2016 Island Quest Race Report

2016 Island Quest Race Report

...After pushing that hard on the bikes and trek sections then sitting in rental sea kayaks for an hour everyone was very stiff for the last trek. It was a big effort to get all eight hips and legs working enough to collect checkpoints for the last hour of our race...

2016 BendAR Race Report

2016 BendAR Race Report

...What really stood out as my favorite parts of the race though was our sunrise and sunset timing. As much as I can I try to hit a sunrise or sunset on a high point, it helps keep my moral up and makes for better memories. In this year’s Bend-AR we caught sunset at the high point of the race on the summit of Lookout...

Cameco Cowboy Tough 2016 Race Report

Cameco Cowboy Tough 2016 Race Report

...At this TA we found out that one of our teammates had pretty bad blistering but also had some sort of salt heat rash all over the top of his foot and possibly staff infection...